Relevant Laws And Regulations
Relevant Laws and Regulations
1. Moneylenders Act
2. Moneylenders Rules
3. Licence Conditions
- Licence Conditions (215KB)
4. Registrar’s Directions
No. 1 of 2019 (360KB)
No. 1 of 2017 (236KB)
No. 1 of 2016 (231KB)
- Directions of the Registrar under Section 16(3) read with Section 26(1) of the Moneylenders Act 2008 Regarding the Advertising & Marketing Activities of Licensed Moneylenders (495KB)
- Directions of the Registrar under Section 45(1) read with section 45(2)(c) of the Moneylenders Act 2008 Regarding the granting of loans relating to the purchase or hiring of motor vehicles
5. Professional Service Handbook